Friday, June 26, 2015

Tarsal Resection Before and After X rays

Left Foot images. See area of resection circled. Left foot had a greater resection performed than the right foot. Before (left) After (right)

Right Foot images. See area of resection circled. Before (left) After (right)


  1. Your blog is very helpful, really thank you!

  2. Hello, how do you find your recovery to be after the surgery? I have been diagnosed with this condition on both feet, have been in pain for about 6 months one foot, and the other foot was just recently diagnosed. Surgery has been scheduled, but would like to hear your thoughts since you just did this recently. thank you.

  3. I feel like my coalition area pain was healed after about 4 months. Though my feet do feel a little tender with sharp turns and if I walk on uneven terrain. I started walking immediately after getting my 2 week casts off to help prevent some atrophy.

  4. I feel like my coalition area pain was healed after about 4 months. Though my feet do feel a little tender with sharp turns and if I walk on uneven terrain. I started walking immediately after getting my 2 week casts off to help prevent some atrophy.

  5. I have really enjoyed your blog. How are you doing now since it's been a while? I wish you all the best and thank you for sharing.

  6. The coalition sites are completely healed and are not painful, but with enough twisting of my foot, as if rolling an ankle, it can produce some minor pain in the region of the surgery. Otherwise i have no issues and exercise regularly

  7. Thank you so much for sharing, I also have this condition and I am very afraid of surgery. Do you still have any pain?
