Friday, June 5, 2015

Tarsal coalition surgery 2

So on june 9th I will have surgery on my left foot, exactly 8 weeks after my right foot. So far my right leg has regained a lot of strength with physical therapy, but has about 1~2 more months to go before returning to normal. Pain in my right foot seems like for the first time it could be less than my pre-surgery pain levels. I still have pain around my ankle and some stiffness with ankle eversion. I have normal feeling through my toes and no pain associated with the EDB muscle the doc had to cut during surgery. Wish me luck in a few days!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, It seems like I have a coalition. I am scheduled for an MRI on July 13th and your blog is helpful. I received some bandages on my feet yesterday but it dos not help at all. The MRI will determine what the doctor will advise, it seems like this is leaning toward a surgery possibly. Your blog is very helpful, thank you very much and good luck!
